Mahabalipuram, also known as Mamallapuram is a small town in Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu. It is approximately 60km south of Chennai. It is an ancient historic town, and the group of monuments at Mahabalipuram have been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Mahabalipuram Weather
Summers are from April to June and monsoonswith high humidity and thunder-showers run from June and remain till September whereas for rest of the year the weather is pleasant.
Mahabalipuram Tourist Attractions
- Shore Temple: The Shore Temple built in 700-728 AD overlooks the shore of the Bay of Bengal. It is an important temple which is built with blocks of granite and recognized as one of a Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram categorized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984. It is one of the oldest structural stone temples in South India.
- PanchaRathas: Pancha Rathas, also known as Pandava Rathas is a monument complex at Mahabalipuram. It is under the sponsorship of the Archaeological Survey of India and is also part of the UNESCO World Heritage site.
- Descent of the Ganges: Descent of the Ganges is a monument at Mahabalipuram, which is 29m × 13m. It is composed of two monolithic rock boulders. The myths described in the books say that the descent of the sacred river Ganges to earth from the heavens was led by Bhagiratha. This is also part of the World Heritage listing.
- Varaha Cave Temple: The temple is a beautiful, small jewel of ancient South Indian architecture. Cut from rock, it is a Hindu temple also listed with UNESCO.
- Tiger Cave: The Tiger Cave is a rock-cut Hindu temple complex located in Saluvankuppam near Mahabalipuram. It is named after the carvings of tiger heads on the mouth of a cave which forms part of the complex. The site is a popular picnic spot and tourist destination.
Mahabalipuram Cuisine
Masala Dosa, Sambar Vada, and Idli, along with Coconut Curry, Curried Vegetables, Stuffed Cabbage and Sweet Milk are famous dishes of Mahalbalipuram.
Mahabalipuram Night Life
The town has its own kind of a night life to enjoy, and after sunset people enjoy the evening with cultural programs.
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